Sunday, January 13, 2008

Review: Skunk2 Short Shift Kit for Honda Fit

For less than $40, I bought this Skunk2 Short Shift kit on eBay. The Skunk2 Part# is 628-05-0200. It's a really simple kit. The kit is made up of, four longer bolts, 4 washers, 4 metal shifter bushings, 1 shifter extension and 3 little set screws. What it does it shortens the shifts by raising the actually shifter assembly up and making the shifter longer to compensate for raising the shifter assembly. Here are some pictures to give you a better idea of how it works and what it looks like.

Here's a picture of what it looks like once installed minus the bolts connecting the shifter assembly to the chassis. So you use your stock shifter and add that little extension piece to compensate for raising the shifter assembly up with the new metal bushings.

This Skunk2 Short Shift kit is worth the money. It makes the shifts more nice and crisp and its not very notchy like some short shifters that I have used before. It pretty much just makes your shifts noticeably shorter and makes them more solid. The installation is also pretty easy. I followed Skunk2's installation instructions and it took me about 30-40 minutes. Just makes ure you use some red loctite on those set screws so they dont come loose. I also recommend some white lithium type grease for the regreasing the little shifter extension to go back into the plastic holder on the shifter cable.

I may stick a DIY for this here. I have pictures that I took of the install, but I think once you get the Skunk2's installation instructions it was pretty self explanatory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok thanks, can you please post the pics of the install.? I am about to do it myself. any help thanks